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Every company has a culture, whether they created it or not. Oftentimes, it is mistaken as a soft concept which does not matter when it comes to the day-to-day activities of your business. However, your commercial cleaning company’s culture matters as it is a strong predictor of how your frontline staff perform their jobs and even your turnover rates.

What Is Work Culture?

Work culture goes beyond mission statements, origin stories, and other public relations related to jargon. Work culture is your company’s unique way of getting things done. Culture affects various aspects of your company, such as hiring processes, employee productivity, and the brand of the company. When your company has a strong culture, they will have employees who are committed and participate in those cultures to positively influence company perceptions.

Why Is It Important?

Work culture matters for your current and future employees. Current employees want to stay with a company that maintains an excellent work culture and directly affects their performance and motivation at work, while the main determining factor about a job for job applicants is whether they will fit into the company’s culture. There are many studies that confirm that when employees don’t feel connected or fit in with a company’s work culture, they are more likely to under-preform and eventually quit. A good cultural fit encourages employees to contribute more, stay with the company, and build relationships with one another. 

Everyone is responsible for creating a work culture that will be conducive to their employee’s growth and development. When employees are confident that they are making a meaningful contribution to the company, and those efforts are acknowledged, they will be motivated to excel more.

How To Create A Great Company Culture

Core Values

Does your company have to establish core values? This is important as they act as the guiding principles of your company that will help you define the culture as your company scales.

Vision For Your Company

Where do you see your company in 5,10,15 years? When you know where your company is going, there is a sense of purpose in the work being done that will be cultivated.

Help Employees Reach Their Goals

Sit down with your current employees and talk to them about their future goals. Why did they accept this position? What skills would they like to develop? All of these questions are critical in being able to facilitate their development and give them the tools to flourish.

Corporate Wellness

Examine your wellness programs, or look into getting one to show your employees that you care about their well being inside and outside work. When employees know that they are valued because of their contributions to the company, they will be more comfortable going above and beyond to guarantee the success of the company.

For all of your commercial cleaning needs, contact Luna Janitorial. We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and provide clean office culture that you will be proud of.

Related: 5 Reasons to Hire an Office Cleaning Company.